Noodles bot full command list

N/balance - N/balance or bal (aliases: bal )
Displays your balance in the economy system.
N/beg - N/beg
Earn money by begging
N/buy - N/buy [item]
N/buy shows you a list of items, you can then do N/buy {item} to buy one of the items
N/daily - N/daily
Earn money every day as a daily "login reward"
N/deposit - N/dep <all or certain-number> (aliases: dep )
Deposit your money into your bank account
N/gamble - N/gamble <amount> (aliases: bet )
Gamble your money away kids!
N/mleaderboard - N/mleaderboard (aliases: rich,mlb )
Checkout the money leaderboard to see who has the most money!
N/pay - N/pay <@user> <amount>
Pay someone from your wallet to hi/her wallet
N/redeem - N/redeem <promocode>
Redeem promocodes you have
N/rob - N/rob <@user>
Rob people to earn money
N/scramble - N/scramble (aliases: unscrable )
Unscramble a word to get a reward from noodles bot
N/weekly - N/weekly
Earn money every week as a weekly "login reward"
N/wire - N/wire <@user> <ammount>
Pay someone money from your bank account directly to theirs
N/withdraw - N/withdraw <all or certain-number> (aliases: with )
Withdraw your money from your bank account
N/work - N/work
Earn money by working

N/achievement - N/achievement <text>
Sends a minecraft achivement with the words that you chose.
N/avatar - N/avatar [@user] (aliases: av )
Sends an avatar of you or the person you mention
N/howgay - N/howgay
Bot tells you how gay you are.
N/phub - N/phub <word1> <word2>
Sends the Phub logo with 2 words that you chose
N/muffin - N/muffin <@user>
Bot muffins the people you want muffined.
N/tag - N/tag create|delete|edit|inv|raw|help or N/t `tagname` (aliases: tags,t )
Create a custom command

N/commands - N/commands (aliases: c )
Displays a full list of bot commands.
N/dashboard - N/dashboard
Bot sends a link to the dashboard.
N/help - N/help [commandName] (aliases: h )
Displays bot help message.
N/hi - N/hi
Bot sends the old info tag it had.
N/invite - N/invite
You will get a link to invite me and we can eat Noodles together!
N/modmail - N/modmail <message> (only works in DMs of the bot)
You can ask for support from the Noodles team using this command
N/ping - N/ping
Returns bot and API latency in milliseconds.
N/privacy - N/dashboard (aliases: privacypolicy )
Bot sends a link to the Privacy policy.
N/serverinfo - N/serverinfo
Sends some information and details about the server
N/stats - N/stats (aliases: status,botinfo )
Bot sends some stats.
N/suggest - N/suggest <message> (aliases: suggestion )
Suggest new features for Noodles bot and/or Noodles API (only works when used in the official server).
N/userinfo - N/userinfo [@person/UserID]
sends info about a certain user

N/leaderboard - N/leaderboard (aliases: activity,lb )
Checkout the leaderboard to see who has the most levels and is the most active!
N/rank - N/rank [@user] (aliases: level )
Check your rank and level using this command
N/setlevel - N/setlevel <@user/userid> <new level>
Set certain levels to people
N/xpconfig - N/xpconfig <on or off>
Turn level system on and off

N/ban - N/ban <@user> [reason]
You can ban members from your server using this command, and sends the user a private message telling him/her that they got banned (and the reason you mention)
N/clear - N/clear <number>
Deletes a certain ammount of messages that you chose in a channel
N/infractions - N/infractions <@user>
Checks for a user's warnings, so you can see how many warnings he has, the warning codes, and the reason
N/kick - N/kick <@user/UserID> [reason]
You can kick members from your server using this command, and sends the user a private message telling him/her that they got banned (and the reason you mention)
N/mute - N/mute <@user/UserID> [reason]
Mute a person in your server
N/nickname - N/nickname <@user/UserID> <nickname> (aliases: changenickname,nick )
Change a user's nickname
N/poll - N/poll <#channel> <text>
Make a poll that people can vote on
N/prefix - N/prefix <newPrefix>
Sets the prefix for this server.
N/removewarn - N/removewarn <Warning code>
Removes a certain warning from a user using a warning code (these can be found using "warnings <@user>"
N/say - N/say [embed] <message>
Bot repeats what you tell it to.
N/unmute - N/unmute <@user/UserID>
unMute a person in your server
N/warn - N/warn <@user> [reason]
Warn a user using this command, this can be used in servers to punish rule breakers

N/disconnect - N/stop (aliases: stop )
Stops music using Noodles bot and the bot disconnects
N/play - N/play <song name or link> (aliases: p )
Play music using Noodles bot
N/queue - N/queue (aliases: q )
See the queue of the music, a list of songs that are going to be played after the current one
N/skip - N/skip (aliases: s )
Skips music using Noodles bot

N/affectbaby - N/affectbaby [@user or image] (aliases: affect )
The affect baby meme on an image, urself, or someone else
N/awkwardmonkey - N/awkwardmonkey <text> (aliases: awkward )
Send an image with the awkward monkey meme using Noodles API
N/blur - N/blur [@user or image]
Blurs someone's profile picture and sends back the result
N/changemymind - N/changemymind <text>
Send an image with the change my mind meme using Noodles API
N/circle - N/circle [@user or image] (aliases: round )
Makes someone's pfp or a photo like a circle/rounded
N/clown - N/blur [@user or image]
Insult someone by making robin call them clowns
N/drake - N/drake <text1> / <text2>
Send an image with the "This is worthless" meme using Noodles API
N/edges - N/edges [@user or image] (aliases: draw )
finds the edges of the objects in someone's profile picture and sends back the result
N/invert - N/invert [@user or image] (aliases: negative )
inverts the colors of someone's profile picture and sends back the result
N/lisastage - N/lisastage <text>
Send an image with lisa on a stage with your text using Noodles API
N/meme - N/meme (aliases: memes )
Sends random memes
N/presidential - N/presidential <text> (aliases: presidentialalert )
Send an image with a presidential alert you made yourself using Noodles API
N/rip - N/rip [@user or image] (aliases: dead )
put a picture on the stone of a grave
N/spongeburn - N/spongeburn <text>
Send an image with a 'spongebob burning a paper' using Noodles API
N/trash - N/trash [@user or image]
Insult someone by throwing them in a trash can
N/ugly - N/ugly [@user or image]
Insult someone by making spongebob call them ugly
N/wide - N/wide [@user or image]
Makes someone's profile picture wider and sends back the result
N/worthless - N/worthless <text>
Send an image with the "This is worthless" meme using Noodles API

N/drops - N/drops <channel mention or "delete">
Choose a channel where drops will be setup so you get ur server more active!
N/starboard - N/starboard (it will later take you through the setup process)
Setup the starboard system in your server, emojis used are ⭐
N/welcomer - N/welcomer (it will later take you through the setup process)
set a custom welcome message that will be send when a user joins the server

N/close - N/tickets
close the ticket
N/delete - N/tickets
delete a closed ticket
N/ticket - N/ticket [reason] (aliases: new )
To open a ticket to get help from staff

Extra info

Noodle's default prefix is N/, you can always change it using N/prefix <prefix> or on the dashboard, if you don't know the default prefix for the bot you can always mention the bot like so @Noodles

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